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7 Ways to Deal with Stress and Anxiety during Coronavirus Pandemic

“Coronavirus” – A new age demon that has hit the world and has disrupted lives all over the world.

In this time of unprecedented crisis, it is normal to feel sad, stressed and anxious. Fear and anxiety about a disease can be overwhelming and cause strong emotions in adults and children during a crisis.

Here are 6 ways to cope and manage with stress and Anxiety and to take care of your mental health during the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic.

1. Start with you. Follow a Self-Care Routine

  • Eating on time, having healthy food and getting enough sleep is important.
  • Consider doing some exercise, yoga, meditation or any mindfulness exercise to cope with stress.
  • Connect with nature as much as possible or listen to nature sounds and relaxing music which can be both – Healing and therapeutic.
  • Give yourself space to process your feelings.
  • Take time to engage in relaxing activities like reading book, cooking, gardening, or other creative activities doing something creative which helps in reducing your stress level.
  • Focus on positive thoughts and practice positive affirmations like – “this is temporary” and “I will get through this”.

2. Avoid using Social media and phones for longer duration. Pause and take a digital detox – let your mind get a chance to disconnect.

3. Be aware and informed about the news. Focus on the facts. Avoid overload of information which can cause stress and anxiety.

4. Focus on things that you can control rather than what you cannot control.

5. Having good Social Support system reduces stress and anxiety. Connect with Family, Friends and colleagues virtually.

6. Practice Gratitude Journaling Everyday – Research shows that Gratitude effectively increases happiness and improves mental health. It reduces stress and toxic emotions. Spend some time thinking and writing about the things that make you feel grateful.

7. Ask yourself what is the healthiest thing to do during stressful situation or crisis. Recall things that had helped you overcome your past challenging stressful situations – Identify them and start using same strategies that helped you. Do that works best for you. Make a list. See what could possibly help.


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